PHOTON USE p 0.20443E+04 0.15633E+04 CR set title off red text Backward facing step with Jacobi solver. 0.65366E+03 0.12376E+03 CR use patgeo vec z 1 sh @ 0.10125E+04 0.12246E+04 CR Velocity vectors.@ @ 0.11215E+04 0.65787E+03 @ Press RETURN to continue.@ pause vec cl red con p1 z 1 fill;0.01 @ 0.10382E+04 0.12246E+04 CR Pressure contours.@ @ 0.14483E+04 0.65136E+03 CR Press RETURN to continue.@ pause con cl red str 2d z 1 sh int 30 @ 0.91000E+03 0.12636E+04 CR Streamlines@ @ 0.13201E+04 0.64484E+03 CR Press RETURN to end@ pause end ENDUSE GROUP 1. Run title and other preliminaries L(290) TEXT(CORE CASE 290 WITH JACB SOLVER :N201 TITLE DISPLAY ** Phoenics core library case 290 with the Jacobi solver (JACB) ** Information required to use this solver is: 1. CSG3=JACB to specify the name of the solver. 2. ICNGRB <= phi <= ICNGRC to specify which phis to solve for, all phis in this range will be solved, though P1,U1,V1,W1 are also solved by default. 3. NFUSER=19*NX*NY*NZ for workspace. 4. USEGRX=T;USOLVE=T to ensure that it is called from grex. ENDDIS GROUP 19. Data communicated by satellite to GROUND ** Pass the information for the required solver: CSG3=JACB ICNGRB=12;ICNGRC=13 NFUSER=19*NX*NY*NZ USEGRX=T;USOLVE=T GROUP 24. Dumps for restarts TSTSWP=-1