PHOTON USE p gr ou x 1 MSG Velocity vectors vec x 1 sh msg msg Press return to plot pressure contours pause cont p1 x 1 fil;.01 msg msg Type e to End ENDUSE #$B518 TEXT(FLOW OVER ELLIPSE;MAGIC GRID: B519 TITLE l(pause DISPLAY Navier Stokes equations over ellipse. The high Reynolds number flow over an ellipse using a nearly-. orthogonal grid generated by MAGIC is considered in this case. The Reynolds number is 1.25E6 ENDDIS GROUP 6. Body-fitted coordinates or grid distortion Same as case 518 except that a nearly-orthogonal grid is used. GSET(M,F1,+J+K,1,1,1,LAP5.FFFTFF) GSET(C,I2,F,I1,+,1,0,0) NONORT=T GROUP 9. Properties of the medium (or media) RHO1=1.0;ENUL=1.E-6 GROUP 17. Under-relaxation devices RELAX(P1,LINRLX,.5) RELAX(V1,FALSDT,.01) RELAX(W1,FALSDT,.01) GROUP 24. Dumps for restarts